Exploring the Brain: Sleep and Dreams

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Sleep is a fundermental function of an elaborate brain. All birds and mammals for the last two hundred million years have displayed some type of sleep pattern. But what is it, what is its function, and where does sleeping fit in?

Part of the lecture series, Exploring the Brain.
Although the brain is exquisitely sensitive to receiving inputs from the outside world and orchestrating its reactions in terms of movement, a phenomenal amount of processing occurs between these input and output stages. This series of lectures focuses on how much is known about the inner functionings of the brain and how they are organised.

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This event was on Thu, 06 Mar 1997

Baroness Greenfield

Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE

Professor of Physic

Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE is a scientist, writer, broadcaster, and member of the House of Lords. Professor Greenfield was the Gresham Professor of Physic between...

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