How Maths Can Save Your Life

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Many of us have been in a medical scanner and benefited from its use in medical diagnostics. But how many of us have considered how it works? The maths behind modern medical imaging (showing how CAT, MRI and Ultrasound scanners work) will be explained, showing how mathematics done in 1915 is now saving countless numbers of lives. 

Recent advances in mathematics are leading to much better images for doctors to use for their diagnoses; and similar methods and ideas are used in diverse applications such as remote sensing, oil prospecting, crime detection, studying bees and saving the whales.

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Professor Chris Budd

Professor of Geometry

Chris Budd OBE is based at the University of Bath, where he is Professor of Applied Mathematics and Director of the Centre of Nonlinear Mechanics. He has a long history of engagement in the public understanding of science and mathematics.

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