
Dr Mylène Dubiau-Feuillerac

Mylène Dubiau-Feuillerac defended her dissertation thesis on relations between music and poetry in Claude Debussy's French Art Songs on Paul Verlaine's texts in June 2008. Her research links the analysis of musical discourse to the literary poetics of texts and their oralisation. She won the Bourse Lavoisier French Grant for the 2008–2009 academic year at the Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester, NY), to study performance and analysis. She is co-reader of the critical edition of Claude Debussy's Mélodies (volume 2), in the collection of the Debussy Œuvres Complètes, under the supervision of its editor Professor Marie Rolf (Paris: Editions Durand). In 2010, she wrote a chapter entitled « La mise en musique d'un poème : transposition d'art ou traduction d'un langage à un autre ? Le cas de « Mandoline » de Paul Verlaine mis en musique par Claude Debussy (1882) », for the book Language and its Contexts : Transposition and Transformation of meaning? (Pierre-Alexis Mével, Helen Tattam, eds., Peter Lang, "Modern French Identities", Oxford, 2010). She is currently Professor of Music at the University of Toulouse-le Mirail, and will be hosted as a Visiting Scholar at Eastman School of Music in Fall 2012.