
Simon Caulkin

Simon Caulkin is a writer and editor who, for sixteen years, was The Observer's management columnist, writing on subjects ranging from rock 'n' roll to the banking crisis. He has contributed to The Economist, The Financial Times and many national and international business magazines. He edited the UK monthly Management Today from 1986 to 1989.

Aside from journalism, Simon has worked on books with prominent business academics and leaders such as the late Sumantra Ghoshal (a particular hero), Andrew Campbell and John Seddon, and edited publications for many of the major management consultancies. He has also worked closely with the UK's Advanced Institute for Management Research and London Business School's Management Lab. Under his own name he has written two reports for The Economist Intelligence Unit and is working on a book of his own based on the lessons of his Observer columns.

He is a member of the advisory council of TWIN, the Fair Trade organisation, and a fellow of the think-tank ResPublica.