How Fares Fair Offshore?: A Panel Discussion

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The Long Finance Spring Conference 2014 continues its examination of International Financial Centres. This Panel is comprised of politicians and business from Britain, Aldern and Switzerland, making them uniquely positioned to answer audience questions and to discuss the current climate in the industry.

With three nearby Crown Dependencies and six overseas territories promoting themselves as ‘international financial centres’, the UK seems to value offshore centres. Yet during current financial crises these havens are easy scapegoats. At the 2011 G20 Summit in Cannes, President Nicolas Sarkozy stated, “We don’t want any more tax havens. Our message is clear, countries that remain tax havens … will be shunned by the international community”. But do these centres add value? And what of onshore havens such as Delaware, Monaco, Luxembourg ... London? This symposium will explore the good, the bad and the ugly – savings, crimes and tax. We will look at how offshore centres do add value, their dangers and how things might evolve to something, perhaps “mid-shore”.

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alderman professor michael mainelli

Lord Mayor Professor Michael Mainelli

Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Business

Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli MStJ PhD MPhil BA FCCA FCSI(Hon) FBCS CITP FIC CMC MEI is Honorary Life Fellow of Gresham College and Emeritus Mercers'...

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Mark Field MP

Mark Field was elected as the MP for the Cities of London and Westminster constituency in 2001, and was re-elected with an increased majority in...

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Dr Jakob Schaad

Head of Financial Markets International and Deputy CEO of the Swiss Bankers Association, Jakob Schaad was born in 1964 and his professional career includes wide-ranging...

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Stuart Trought

Stuart Trought is President of the States of Alderney.

Stuart Trought spent over thirty years in the shipping and oil industry, working for both national and international...

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