School and College Bookings

Young people sitting listening to a speaker in a library setting

If you are from a UK school or sixth form college and want to bring a school group to one of our free, public lectures, please get in touch by emailing

When there is room, we can usually reserve up to 20 spaces, but occasionally we can do more. Please note tickets are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

You may be able to recieve a grant towards travel from the City of London. Find out more

We also live-stream all our lectures and leave them online so that you can show them again in the classroom, or your students can watch them in their own time. 

Schools-only events

We also broadcast ‘schools-only’ talks on a variety of subjects, mostly in the early afternoon. Below you can read about this term's schools' lectures. To sign up to watch a schools' lecture on live-stream, please email and indicate which lecture(s) you would like – and a link will be sent to you in advance.

You can also learn about future events by joining our schools newsletter.

Schools' Lectures Autumn 2024

Mathematical Journeys into Fictional Worlds

Professor Sarah Hart, Gresham Emerita Professor of Geometry
Wed, 18 Sep 2024 • 2 - 3pm
Literature is full of strange realms where normality is turned on its head. In this lecture we’ll look at how mathematical ideas of size and dimension have been explored in fiction. Along the way, we’ll discuss what life would be like in Lilliput, and whether the giant spiders of Hogwarts’ Forbidden Forest could really exist.

The Evolution of Immunity

Professor Robin May, Gresham Professor of Physic
Wed, 2 Oct 2024 • 2 - 3pm
In this lecture we’ll lift the lid on some surprising evolutionary steps that created the human immune system. Along the way, we will explore some astonishing abilities of human immune cells and we’ll learn why you may owe your existence to an ancient romantic liaison between your human ancestors and the Neanderthals.

Asymmetric Information – What Is It? And How Does It Affect My Everyday Choices?

Professor Raghavendra Rau, Gresham Professor of Business
Wed, 9 Oct 2024 • 2 - 3pm
In this lecture, we will discover how hidden information impacts your daily decisions – and how it affects every transaction you make. We’ll explore how information imbalances influence markets and personal finances. Whether you're managing your allowance, planning for university, or preparing for financial independence, this lecture will provide valuable tools for making smarter financial choices.

The Longevity Paradox: Can We Have It All?

Dr Ian Mudway, Former Gresham Visiting Professor of Environmental Health
Wed, 20 Nov 2024 • 2 - 3pm
Our society is increasingly focused on extending lifespan. But is simply living longer enough, or even desirable? This presentation will delve into the complex relationship between longevity and quality of life. We will explore the concept of a "healthy lifespan" and discuss the factors that contribute to aging well. 

The Future of Health in the UK

Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer / Gresham Emeritus Professor of Physic
Wed, 4 Dec 2024 • 2 - 3pm
This talk will cover recent trends in health in the UK, and what changes in health will look like over the lifetime of current students. It will consider the prevention and treatment of major diseases.