Measures Beyond Money: The Long Finance Autumn Conference

The conference combines elements of both the Long Finance and Grand Challenges agendas to focus on how to address development challenges in straitened economic times. It draws particularly on the themes of the Green Growth and Global Health challenges. The event provides a platform for informed and robust discussion to highlight the most important issues and to offer possible solutions that can have an impact at a policy level.

We consider how the challenge of achieving sustainable global prosperity impacts on developing nations, extending the discussion around sustainable growth beyond the economic issues of GDP and a low-carbon economy and engaging with some of the fundamental questions concerning societal infrastructure, what prosperity means and how we can evaluate and measure wellbeing in a meaningful way.

Sponsored by University College London. Supported by the City of London Corporation, Gresham College, Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, Tomorrow's Company, UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association and Z/Yen Group.

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