Tudor Health Reform: Panel Discussion

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Professor Tim Connell chairs a panel discussion exploring the issues raised in the 'Tudor Health Reform' symposium. The panellists are Professor Carole Rawcliffe, Professor Allan Chapman and Professor William Ayliffe.

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This event was on Wed, 22 Jun 2011


Professor Tim Connell

An honorary life fellow of Gresham College, Professor Tim Connell is an Emeritus Foundation professor at City, University of London, where he set up a full range of language activities over a period of nineteen years.

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Professor Carole Rawcliffe

Carole Rawcliffe was an editor on the History of Parliament Trust (1979-92) before becoming a Senior Wellcome Trust Research Fellow at the University of East...

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Dr Allan Chapman

Visiting Professor of the History of Science

Allan Chapman is a British historian of science. Chapman has been based at Oxford University for most of his career, as a member of the...

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professor william ayliffe

Professor William Ayliffe FRCS PhD

Professor of Physic

Professor William Ayliffe is Emeritus Professor of Physic at Gresham College and a Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Lister Hospital in London.  As well as being...

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