Victorian Era Astronomy: On Land and in the Skies In the late 19th-century, astronomical research could be practical, using...
The Mathematical Life of Sir Christopher Wren Christopher Wren, who died 300 years ago this year, is...
Sir Christopher Wren and the Rebuilding of the City Churches after the Great Fire of London In this lecture, Anthony Geraghty will reveal how Sir Christopher...
The New London and the Heavenly Jerusalem: Scientists and Craftsmen in Sir Christopher Wren's London The decades over which St. Paul's was re-built after the...
Human-led AI Is Artificial Intelligence fundamentally different from previous technological advancements? This...
Sir Christopher Wren: Architect & Courtier Sir Christopher Wren’s success was underpinned by his consummate skill...
Sir Christopher Wren: Buildings, Place and Genius Who makes great buildings patrons, architects and builders? Are successful...
Michelangelo, Copernicus and the Sistine Chapel It is argued that Copernicus’ theory of the sun-centred universe...
God meets Mammon: The Financing of the New Cathedral St. Paul's is perhaps the greatest building to have emerged...