Unwrapping Irving Berlin’s "White Christmas" This festive lecture explores the unusual roots of the song...
Women at the Piano: A History through Images This lecture explores the emergence of the "femme au piano"...
How Inequality Affects Mental Health Traditional risk factors for mental illness include genetics, perinatal factors...
The Convoluted Brain: Wrinkles and Folds The human brain has a very distinct and complex appearance...
Bach’s Invention: The Divine Trickery of J.S. Bach Behind the sublime precision and expressive power of Bach’s music...
Is Your Money Safe? Unveiling Hidden Conflicts in Finance Think financial decisions are made by cool-headed robots? Think again...
The Sondheim Showstopper: ‘Send in the Clowns’ 'Send in the Clowns’ was probably the most commercially successful...
The Big Brain: Size and Intelligence For centuries, scientists have tried to identify what is special...
Magical Mystery Tour: The Invention of The Beatles This lecture analyses the ‘psychedelic era’ of the Beatles, from...
The Speed of Sound: Exploring Tempo From largo to prestissimo Professor Milton mermikides takes us through...