The Mathematics of Musical Composition Pattern and structure are essential to music, from the permutations in a Bach fugue, to the structure of a round.
Planes and pacifism: Activities and attitudes of British mathematicians during WWI The First World War was the first time that war...
Alan Turing: The Founder of Computer Science Professor Jonathan Bowen reflects on the brilliant work and tragic...
The Grand Narrative of the History of Computing A discussion of the core concepts of modern computing and...
The Art and Science of Tuning This lecture presents the rich history of musicians’ engagement with...
Creativity in Art, Creativity in Science In his lecture, Professor Miller will consider the concept of...
The Concert of the Present Today's festival director has gone from administrator to creator; impresarii...
The Poetry of Prediction: Musical Time, Rhythm and Groove Music is a temporal art, unfolding like a ribbon and...