Professor David Owen Norris
Professor of Music (1993-1997)
Professor David Owen Norris was the Gresham Professor of Music between 1993 and 1997.
As of the start of 2011, Professor Norris' associations included being an Honorary Fellow of Keble College, Oxford, Professor of Musical Performance at the University of Southampton, Visiting Professor of Fortepiano at the Royal College of Music, Educational Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Musicians, and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music and of the Royal College of Organists. He is the Director of Music at Poole Parish Church. He was Organ Scholar at Keble, and left Oxford with a First and a Composition Scholarship to study in London and Paris. He was a Repetiteur at the Royal Opera House, and Harpist at the Royal Shakespeare Company. He has been Artistic Director of the Cardiff International Festival and the Petworth Festival, and Chairman of the Steans Institute for Singers at the Ravinia Festival in Chicago.