Professor Simon Szreter
Professor in History and Public Policy in the History Faculty, University of Cambridge. He teaches modern British economic and social history since 1700. His main fields of research are demographic and social history, the history of empirical social science and the relationship between history and contemporary public policy issues.
His principal publications are: Fertility, class and gender in Britain 1860-1940 (Cambridge 1996); Changing family size in England and Wales 1891-1911: Place, class and demography (co-authored, Cambridge 2001), Categories and contexts. Anthropological and Historical Studies in Critical Demography (co-edited, Oxford 2004) and Health and Wealth: Studies in History and Policy (Rochester University Press 2005).
He has also authored numerous articles in historical, social science and medical journals and edited special issues of Social History of Medicine and the Journal of Interdisciplinary History. He co-edits historyandpolicy.org, a recently launched website and joint initiative of Cambridge History Faculty and the Institute of Contemporary British History, London.
Dr Szreter has been awarded the Viseltear Prize by the American Public Health Association.
In 2011 Professor Szreter published Sex Before the Sexual Revolution: Intimate Life in England 1918-1963.