Financial Innovation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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Professor Thorsten Beck is joined by John Authers and Barbara Ridpath for a panel discussion on Financial Innovation. The panellists first share their thoughts on financial innovation (such as human behaviour and the role of structured investment vehicles in the crash), before moving on to answer questions from the floor. Topics covered included payday lenders, the sources of demand for financial innovation, and the role of central banks in innovation.


The discussion is chaired by Professor Michael Mainelli.

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Professor Thorsten Beck

Professor of economics and chair of the European Banking Center at Tilburg University. He is also a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy...

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John Authers

John Authers was the global editor of the Finan­cial Times’ “Lex” column, which many consider to be the most influential business and finance column in...

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Barbara Ridpath

Barbara Ridpath is a non-executive Director of the National Australia Group Europe Ltd. She was Chief Executive of the International Centre for Financial Regulation from...

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alderman professor michael mainelli

Lord Mayor Professor Michael Mainelli

Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Business

Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli MStJ PhD MPhil BA FCCA FCSI(Hon) FBCS CITP FIC CMC MEI is Honorary Life Fellow of Gresham College and Emeritus Mercers'...

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