I've Got the Power: Now What?

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A panel discussion on issues of leadership, with Dr Douglas Board, Simon Caulkin and Dr Liz Mellon, chaired by Professor Michael Mainelli.

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This event was on Mon, 29 Oct 2012

alderman professor michael mainelli

Lord Mayor Professor Michael Mainelli

Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Business

Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli MStJ PhD MPhil BA FCCA FCSI(Hon) FBCS CITP FIC CMC MEI is Honorary Life Fellow of Gresham College and Emeritus Mercers'...

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Douglas Board

Dr Douglas Board specialises in career change and leadership coaching, and is the founder of Maslow’s Attic Ltd (maslowsattic.com). He is a senior...

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Simon Caulkin

Simon Caulkin is a writer and editor who, for sixteen years, was The Observer's management columnist, writing on subjects ranging from rock 'n' roll to...

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Dr Liz Mellon

Executive Director, Duke Corporate Education and Regional Managing Director India.

A leading business educator with an MBA and PhD from London BUsiness School, Dr Liz...

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