Janáček's Creative Timetable

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This is a discussion with the Janáček scholar Professor John Tyrrell (Cardiff University). In the last eight years of his life, Janáček wrote four operas and other major works in a seemingly effortless manner. This fecundity, however, disguises many stops and starts that shed a revealing light on the nature of his creativity.

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This event was on Thu, 17 Feb 2005

professor adrian thomas

Professor Adrian Thomas

Professor of Music

Adrian Thomas was born in Cornwall and went to school in Manchester, Barry, Newbury and Bath.  He studied at Nottingham University, University College, Cardiff,  and...

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Professor John Tyrrell

Professor John Tyrrell

Professor John Tyrrell was a musicologist who published several books on Leoš Janáček, including an authoritative and largely definitive two-volume biography. He also was a...

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