Living with Jesus - Lecture One

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There have been many ways of understanding and defining the human encounter with Jesus. Jesus has often been used as a mirror that reflects back to us our own preoccupations. This reflexive use of Jesus is significant, however, because it shows us that Jesus still has the power to interpret our human experience in all its complexity. In the first of two lectures on Jesus we shall reflect on the ethical and political challenge of Jesus.

This is a part of the lecture series, Living Theology.

The second lecture concerned with Living with Jesus can be accessed here: Living with Jesus - Lecture Two.

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This event was on Wed, 01 Dec 1999


Professor Richard Holloway

Professor of Divinity

Richard Holloway was the Gresham Professor of Divinity between 1997 and 2001.

Professor Holloway was educated at Kelham Theological College, Edinburgh Theological College and the...

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