Mathematics, Motion, and Truth: The Earth goes round the Sun
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The reality of the Earth's motion, as proclaimed by Copernicus, quickly proved contentious. Accepted by Kepler, disputed by theologians (Lutheran and Catholic alike), veiled in suggestions of mere convenience, adopted and explained by Newton as a consequence of universal gravitation, parent of the notion of force - What is involved in accepting as true that the Earth goes round the Sun? This lecture traces these debates from the early 1600s to the time of Poincaré.
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This lecture was jointly held with the British Society for the History of Mathematics.
For the other BHSM lectures, follows these links:
19th Century Mathematical Physics, by Professor Raymond Flood, Dr Julia Collins
and Dr Mark McCartney
The Memoirs and Legacy of Évariste Galois, by Dr Peter Neumann
Triangular Relationships, by Dr Patricia Fara
Mathematics and the Medici, by Jim Bennett
Planes and Pacifism, by Dr June Barrow-Green
From World Brain to the World Wide Web, by Professor Martin Campbell-Kelly
History from Below, by Dr Stephen Johnston
The Celestial Geometry of John Flamsteed, by Dr Allan Chapman
Mathematics in the Metropolis, by Adrian Rice
There is no text for this event
This event was on Mon, 02 Nov 2009
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