What is the Value of Finance and Insurance to the Economy?

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A debate on the theme: "What is the value of finance and insurance to the economy and are the right regulatory frameworks in place to underpin this value?” This debate will be opened by Professor John Kay CBE FBA FRSE, Author and FT Columnist, Anne Richards CBE CVO, Chief Executive Designate of M&G Investments, and John Nelson, Chairman of Lloyd’s of London.  A discussion session will follow.

John Kay's latest book - Other people’s money: Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People? - is useful context for the debate. 

The Earl of Selborne GBE FRS, Chairman of the Foundation for Science & Technology, will chair the debate.


Watch the other lectures here: 

Anne Richards CBE CVO, Chief Executive Designate of M&G Investments

Professor John Kay, CBE, FBA, FRSE 




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This event was on Wed, 06 Jul 2016


John Nelson

John is the Chairman of Lloyd's of London.

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