Who Am I?: The Dialogical Self in Hinduism and Buddhism
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Based on texts of the Indian tradition, we will discuss questions regarding self, and seek to relate some of the philosophical ideas to contemporary debates. Can the self be defended against Buddhist claims that there is no such thing?
Lecture overview:
Philosophy and Dialogue in the Upanishads:
- Different types of dialogue
- Different uses of the dialogue form
- Relation between dialogue and philosophy
Philosophy and Dialogue in the Buddhist Nikayas:
- Different types of dialogue
- Different uses of the dialogue form
- Relation between dialogue and philosophy
Senses of self and not-self in the Upanishads and Nikayas:
- Self in the Upanishads
- Not-self in the Nikayas
- Standard interpretations of the self/not-self debate
- A new interpretation of the self/not-self debate
There is no text for this event
This event was on Thu, 02 Dec 2010
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