Lecture, Barnard's Inn Hall, Tuesday, 29 Apr 2025 - 18:00

Does Net Zero Mean the End of Livestock Agriculture?

 cows eating hay at a farm

Diet and agriculture are borderline untouchable “third rail” issues in the climate debate. But with the global food system contributing up to an extra degree of warming by 2100, they cannot be ignored. Sensible policies are hindered by carbon footprinting conventions that distort the impact of methane – in both directions.

This lecture explains how understanding methane’s true impact shows that a sustainable livestock industry could be compatible with a stable climate, although it would still need radical change.

Professor Myles Allen

Professor Myles Allen

Gresham Frank Jackson Foundation Professor of the Environment

Professor Myles Allen took his first degree in Physics and Philosophy, followed by a doctorate in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, both at the University...

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