May at Gresham College

Highlights this month include the next part of Professor Joanna Bourke's Modern History of Sex, on Abstinence; a practical lecture on How to Value a Stock by Business Professor Alex Edmans, and a lecture on Italian Sculptor and Architect Bernini by Dr Loyd Grossman.
Plus Professor Chris Whitty delivers his last lecture as Gresham Professor of Physic on the Future of Health Globally. This event is online only.
Looking forward to June: Details are now confirmed for Emeritus Gresham Professor and Nobel Laureate Sir Roger Penrose's lecture, The Journey from Black-Hole Singularities to a Cyclic Cosmology, on 9 June and you can also sign up for the last lecture of the academic year: the Gray's Inn Lecture by Lady Rose, Justice of the Supreme Court, on What Makes a Good Judge.