How to Make A Great Presentation

Below are some examples of how to communicate in a clear, concise and compelling way; this has been core to Gresham’s mission since our foundation in 1597. These examples demonstrate excellent core communication skills.
Clear presentation of complex issues
Professor Chris Whitty explains how vaccines work by activating your immune system
This is a measured, clear verbal presentation of how vaccines work using simple terms that anyone could understand, and is evenly delivered by Professor Whitty. It reinforces the starting point that vaccines are working with your body’s immune system in a natural way.
Professor Eleanor Stride explains what cancer is
Sparing use of images to help describe what cancer is in a clear way.
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE explains Adaptive Optics
In this extract Dr Aderin-Pocock uses gestures, verbal explanation and voice commentary over a video to explain how adaptive optics works to correct images you can see using telescopes. Her hand gestures add to the clarity of the lecture although be careful about being too expressive with your hands which can sometimes distract from your message.
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE explains the distortion of radiation from stars
In this extract, Dr Aderin-Pocock explains the electromagnetic spectrum and how not all rays can pass through our atmosphere - and how it protects us, but why it creates difficulties for us being able to use telescopes and do astronomical work.
Professor Richard Harvey explains why computers crash
Clear explanation of the amount of data your computer processes and how one single error will make it crash (one bit) - to introduce the Error Control Coding lecture. Presented with humour, energy, directness and relatability to the audience, and with no visual materials.
Professor Katherine Blundell explains how we know what Black Holes are
Clear explanation of how Black Holes were predicted by Mathematics before they were discovered by telescopes and what they are.
Professor Jacqueline McGlade explains how climate change can make plants toxic
Extract explains how climate change - droughts specifically - makes plants and insects toxic to humans and animals via a process called cyanogenesis. People and animals in droughts don’t just die of malnutrition but also a process of poisoning by plants and insects that have undergone cyanogenesis.
Explaining your analysis and concluding position using evidence and logic
Professor Thomas Grant justifies the jury system
This extract justifies the jury system in a logical, clear and persuasive way.
Professor Alec Ryrie asks why unbelief was once impossible, but today is almost inescapable
In this extract Ryrie describes this as a murder mystery and describes the way generations of philosophers have destroyed belief. He says that there are plenty of examples of unbelief before the 17th century and the scientific revolution, and will go on to look at them.