Dinko Fabris
Dinko Fabris, Italian musicologist, studied lute (Conservatorio di Verona), Italian litterature and Musicology (diploma di Perfezionamento in Musicologia at University of Bologna; PhD Royal Holloway University of London). Awarded with fellowships in Ferrara, Chicago, the University of Melbourne, the Warburg Institute, London, he has been visiting professor at the Universities of Paris, Melbourne and Lubiana. Teacher of History of Music at the Conservatorio di Bari (were he is head of the Early Music Department and Centre for musical researches “Casa Piccinni”) and also from 2001 at the University of Basilicata, Potenza, he is the representative of Italy in the Directorium of the International Musicological Society. He is working as musicologist consultant for the Cappella della Pietà dei Turchini and Centro Musica Antica in Naples. His researches focuses on Lute music and on Naples (1500-1800). In addition to about 80 articles and essays, including books on Falconieri (Rome 1987), A. Gabrieli (Milan 1998), Purcell (Palermo 1999), music in Ferrara (Lucca 1999), Provenzale (2005) and Cavalli (2006), his most recent book is Music in Seventeenth-century Naples (Ashgate 2007). His critical edition of the newly founded motet by Domenico Scarlatti Antra valles (1701) is in print in the series “Monumentos de la musica espanola” (Madrid 2007).