Calisto a le stelle: Cavalli and the Staging of Venetian Opera - Part Three

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The third part of this study day included a panel discussion entitled: Performing Cavalli

Dinko Fabris, University of Basilicata and Salento
Jonathan Glixon, University of Kentucky
Hendrik Schulze, University of Heidelberg
Anna Tedesco, University of Palermo

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This event was on Mon, 22 Sep 2008


Dinko Fabris

Dinko Fabris, Italian musicologist, studied lute (Conservatorio di Verona), Italian litterature and Musicology (diploma di Perfezionamento in Musicologia at University of Bologna; PhD Royal Holloway...

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Jonathan Glixon

Jonathan Glixon

Jonathan Glixon is an academic and musicologist who has published several books. He is Professor Emeritus of the School of Music at University of Kentucky's...

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Hendrick Schulze

Hendrik Schulze, University of Heidelberg.

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Anna Tedesco

Anna Tedesco is based at the University of Palermo.

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