
Dr Tim Morgan

Since September 2009, Dr Tim Morgan has been Global Head of Research at Tullett Prebon. Though his research has covered a wide range of issues including global economic prospects, geopolitics, fiscal sustainability and inter-generational resource transfers, his main focus is on the new discipline of “Exponential Energy Economics” (EEE). This new philosophy argues that the global economy consists of a series of population, economic and financial exponentials made possible only by exponential access to surplus energy, and addresses the issue of what might happen if the energy exponential were to continue to weaken. This issue is to be explored in more detail in his forthcoming book, provisionally entitled Life After Growth.

Dr Morgan read history and political philosophy at Emmanuel College, Cambridge before joining stockbrokers Wood Mackenzie as a trainee in 1982. He moved to Montagu Loebl Stanley the following year, shortly thereafter assuming responsibility for the firm’s oil and gas research. In 1985, he joined the stockbroking subsidiary of Exco, which became part of Banque Indosuez in 1986. After a short period with a boutique broker, he established an energy sector research consultancy in 1990. During this period he developed the value-based VVM™ analysis system. Between 1995 and 2006, Dr Morgan was consultant energy analyst at stockbrokers Collins Stewart. He joined Shore Capital Group, again as a consultant energy analyst, in May 2007, but, in February 2009, was invited to formalise a role that he had been carrying out for some time – that of economic and market strategist.