Climate Change: Securitisation in Renewable Energy with Panel Discussion

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The first part of the conference included the following talks and panel discussions:

Welcome Simon Mills, Head of Sustainability, City of London Corporation   Keynote Speech 'Securitisation in Renewable Energy: Hercules or Hydra' Jason Langley, Axa Investment Management   Panel - Carbon Monitoring, Reporting and Investment Hassen Bali Richard Poulden Michael Wilkins

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This event was on Tue, 18 May 2010


Simon Mills

Simon Mills is Head of Sustainable Development for the City of London, where he is responsible for directing corporate policy on issues as diverse as...

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Jason Langley

Jason received a 1st Class honours degree in Mechanical Engineering at University College London, ranked second in his year. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant...

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alderman professor michael mainelli

Lord Mayor Professor Michael Mainelli

Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Business

Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli MStJ PhD MPhil BA FCCA FCSI(Hon) FBCS CITP FIC CMC MEI is Honorary Life Fellow of Gresham College and Emeritus Mercers'...

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