Corruption in Britain: A Necessary Evil? and A Prosecutor's View

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The Symposium addressed issues on governance, trust and anti-bribery, and explored some of the issues raised during a previous lecture given by Professor Michael Mainelli in October 2007 entitled, "What I like about this country is that it has a nice level of corruption!".

Sessions included an overview of the global scene, and a discussion on the extent to which one can, or should do anything about it.

This part of the symposium included the following talks:


Mr John Burbidge-King

Mr Charlie Monteith

There is no text for this event

This event was on Wed, 16 Jun 2010


Charlie Monteith

Charlie Monteith is Senior Policy Advisor at the Serious Fraud Office

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John Burbidge-King

John Burbidge-King is CEO at Interchange Solutions

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Professor Tim Connell

An honorary life fellow of Gresham College, Professor Tim Connell is an Emeritus Foundation professor at City, University of London, where he set up a full range of language activities over a period of nineteen years.

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