EU Debate - Should the UK Leave or Remain?

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Leading up to the vote on whether the UK should leave or remain a part of the European Union, Professor Sir Richard Evans chairs a debate on this vital issue.

The debate opens to the floor with a vote collected at the beginning and end of the debate.

Results were as follows:

Before the debate:
Remain - 71.4%
Leave - 17%
Undecided - 11.5%

After the debate:
Remain - 71%
Leave - 19%
Undecided - 10%


There is no transcript for this event

Professor Sir Richard Evans

Professor Sir Richard Evans

Professor of Rhetoric

Professor Sir Richard Evans FBA was Provost of Gresham College from 2014-2020. He is a world-renowned historian and academic, with many of his books now acknowledged as seminal works in the field of modern history. He was Regius Professor of History at the University of Cambridge from 2008 until his retirement in September 2014. 

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The Rt Hon. Dominic Grieve QC MP

Dominic is an English Conservative politician and has been a Member of Parliament for Beaconsfield since 1997.

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Geoffrey Nice

Professor Sir Geoffrey Nice KC

Professor of Law

Sir Geoffrey Nice KC has practised as a barrister since 1971. He worked at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia – the ICTY – between 1998 and 2006 and led the prosecution of Slobodan Milošević, former President of Serbia.

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Matthew Elliott

Matthew is Chief Executive of the VoteLeave campaign. A campaign for a 'leave' vote in the EU referendum.

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daniel hodson

Professor Daniel Hodson

Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Business

Daniel Hodson was the Mercers' School Memorial Professor of Commerce between 1999 and 2002, lecturing widely on governance.

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