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Bach’s Art of Fugue, Mozart’s Requiem, Schubert’s Symphony No. 8, Alban Berg’s opera Lulu, and Elgar’s 3rd Symphony are all pieces that are famously incomplete. 

This lecture examines the fascination surrounding works that are left unfinished at their composers’ deaths. It also looks at the urge that certain of us have to complete these uncompleted works, however unwisely and however unbidden. ‘Don’t let anyone tinker with it’, said Elgar; but several have anyway, and with thought-provoking results.

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This event was on Thu, 06 Feb 2020

Jeremy Summerly, Visiting Professor of Music History

Professor Jeremy Summerly

Visiting Professor of Music History

Jeremy Summerly is a British conductor, a Fellow of the Royal School of Church Music and was Visiting Professor of Music History at Gresham College 2019-2022.

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