Alain Goriely joins Gresham as 34th Professor of Geometry
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Alain Goriely as the new Professor of Geometry.
Professor Goriely is a distinguished mathematician renowned for his contributions to dynamical systems, mathematical biology, and mechanics. Known for his development of a seminal mathematical theory of biological growth, he has also engaged in scientific outreach based on his research, addressing topics as diverse as tendril perversion in plants, umbilical cord knotting, and the shape of seashells.
In his first series, Professor Goriely will explore how mathematical ideas were born from understanding the brain, addressing fundamental questions that have fascinated generations of scientists.
Professor Goriely said: "I am thrilled to join Gresham College and share my passion for mathematics with a broader audience.
“Understanding the brain through mathematical principles is a journey of endless fascination and profound discoveries.
“My series will focus on the intricate relationship between brain geometry and function, demonstrating how mathematical insights can illuminate the complexities of the brain.
“I look forward to engaging with the public and exploring these compelling topics together."
Professor Martin Elliott, Provost of Gresham College, said: "We are thrilled to welcome Alain, a particularly distinguished mathematician, to the Gresham family.
"As Director of the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, he is a leading light in his field and a passionate and articulate speaker.
"We look forward to him leading us down new mathematical rabbit holes across the course of his Professorship."
Professor Goriely’s inaugural lecture, The Big Brain: Size and Intelligence, will take place at 6pm on Tuesday 17 September 2024, at Barnard's Inn Hall, London