Hidden Investment Opportunities

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Psychological studies show that humans overweight tangible factors and underweight intangible ones when making decisions. 

This talk shows how these biases affect the stock market – it focuses excessively on short-term profit, but ignores environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. As a result, all investors – not just ESG investors – can profit by using intangible factors that are not fully valued by the market. 

It also explains how investors can uncover tell-tale signals of CEOs’ confidence in their firm and invest accordingly.

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This event was on Tue, 27 Oct 2020

Alex Edmans is the Mercers' School Memorial Professor of Business at Gresham College.

Professor Alex Edmans

Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Business

Alex Edmans is the Mercers' School Memorial Professor of Business at Gresham College.

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