Professor Melissa Lane
Gresham Professor of Rhetoric (2023 - )
Melissa Lane is the Class of 1943 Professor of Politics, Princeton University and is also Associated Faculty in the Department of Classics and Department of Philosophy. Previously she was Senior University Lecturer at Cambridge University in the Faculty of History and Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge.
She studied for her first degree in Social Studies (awarded summa cum laude) at Harvard University, and then took an MPhil and PhD in Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, where she was a student at King’s College, supported by appointments as a Marshall Scholar, Truman Scholar, and Mary Isabel Sibley Fellow of Phi Beta Kappa.
In 2024-25 she is in the UK on sabbatical from Princeton University: in the fall of 2024, in residence at Oxford as the Isaiah Berlin Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy, and in the winter and spring of 2025, in London as a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Classical Studies and the Keeling Centre for Ancient Philosophy and as an Honorary Visiting Professor of Philosophy at UCL.
Professor Lane is an author, lecturer and broadcaster who has received major awards including being named a Guggenheim Fellow, and the Lucy Shoe Meritt Resident in Classical Studies at the American Academy of Rome. She has published widely in journals and authored or introduced nine major books including Greek and Roman Political Ideas; Eco-Republic; and most recently, Of Rule and Office: Plato’s Ideas of the Political, which was awarded the 2024 Book Prize of the Journal of the History of Philosophy. Professor Lane is the only person ever to have delivered both the Carlyle Lectures and the Isaiah Berlin Lectures at the University of Oxford.
Image © Princeton University, Sameer A. Khan/Fotobuddy.
Caleb Willis (1596/7)
Richard Ball (1598)
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