The Family Court in Lockdown
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How has lockdown affected the Family Court? Gresham Law Professor Jo Delahunty QC chairs a panel of senior lawyers and journalists discussing the issues faced by family courts and by families during lockdown.
How has COVID-19 affected child protection? How have lawyers maintained professional and family links under lockdown? Have vulnerable clients been locked out from Court and their lawyers? Have families lost face to face contact with babies and children in foster care under social isolation policies and the closure of contact centres? What of the pain of permanent loss: is it humane to have "farewell contact" under COVID-19? Is that happening?
The discussion will explore how the family court is adapting and functioning and how legal professionals are working and coping inside and outside the court.
This will be a frank look at how lawyers are trying to deliver justice to the most vulnerable members of society, especially the child, whether they are succeeding, at what cost, and who cares.
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This event was on Thu, 25 Jun 2020
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